Here are some telltale indications to help you catch signs of hard water before it becomes a big problem

Ever complained about those disgusting thick white deposits in the kitchen and bathroom? If so, you are likely dealing with hard water. Hard water is water that has high levels of calcium and magnesium in it. The quality of water used at home can have significant effects on everyday life. Knowing that you are exposed to hard water can help take proper preventive measures. Here are the five warning signs of hard water:

Spots on Utensils

Soap doesn’t lather up well in the hard water. As a result, spots appear on the utensils even when they are clean and dry. The white scum that appears on the pots after water is boiled is the hard minerals that have come out of the solution.

Limescale on the Water Heater

The limescale adheres to the heating elements. The efficiency of the water heater is reduced drastically because now it has to heat through the scale that accumulates on those heating elements.

Clogged Showerheads

If the showerhead looks white and filmy, that means that hardness is scaling the shower head up. It won’t be long before it starts clogging some of those spray nozzles. This will result in insufficient water pressure.

Dry Skin and Hair

Hard water can also bond with soaps and detergents to create scum. This makes it difficult to make lather or to wash off the soapy feeling while bathing. There’s always light, white, and cloudy film on the bathtub sink and in the bathroom.

Clothes Feel Scratchy

The best way to deal with hardness is the water softener. It takes the minerals like calcium and magnesium out of the water and saves the cost of wear and tear on your appliances. Having a water softener allows you to not have these issues in the future.

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