Learn here what are the typical myths about water softeners

There are several myths and rumors revolving around water softeners that can make you hesitate before buying one for your home. Many times the information you hear is incomplete or incorrect. So before you let something negative turn you away from getting a water softener let’s take a look at the truth behind those myths.

Water Softeners Waste A Lot Of Water

That means the water softener system is not working needlessly, it rather uses a small amount of water as needed. Washing and bathing with hard water on the other hand require much more water as the soap does not come off as easily. Installing a water softener only has a negligible impact on the water bill.

You Can Put Any Salt Into Your Brine Tank

If you want to keep your system running more efficiently, use pure salts with a minimal amount of contaminants. This will reduce the frequency and need of cleaning as well as prolong the life span of the water softening unit.

Types Of Salts

Water Softener Is Not Needed On City Water Supply

Otherwise, the hard water will cause damage to your plumbing systems and other water-using appliances. You can find out how hard your water is through city government websites or you can get it tested by a professional.

Water Softener Can Eliminate Waterborne Bacteria

Water Softeners Is A Costly Investment

With a soft water supply, your appliances will work seamlessly for a longer duration and require fewer repairs. A water softener may be a considerable investment but it pays for itself in a couple of years by contributing to energy saving.

Ensure a continuous supply of soft water in your home by installing a water softener. Get in touch with our professionals at Proline Plumbing for installation and repair services. Call us at 832-772-5501. We are located in Houston, Texas.

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